Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Breakfast with Mitt and Ann!

This morning, my dear friend Pam Peterson and I went to a breakfast 
with Mitt and Ann Romney at the Spanos Villa Angelica residence.
I love this picture of Mitt and Ann!
The thing that I love the most is the way Mitt is looking at her!  So cute!
She was adorable as she spoke to the large crowd of 500 people!
Mitt 2012!!!
Here is Ann, looking adoringly at Mitt!
Mitt spoke for over 20 minutes without any notes or a telepromptor. 
He didn't miss a beat, covering the economy, health care and foreign policies.
Sharing his views, ideas and philosophy about government and it's role in our lives.
He is so bright and charismatic, but so inspiring as he shared his love for our country.
And Mitt looking adoringly at Ann!
Greeting people on his way out the door.
After the breakfast was over, Pam and I walked the grounds of the residence.
It was seriously so gorgeous!
Check out this outdoor BBQ facilities!
You could throw quite the party here!
There was a moat that circled the whole property.
It was a fun morning, spending time with Pam at the breakfast with Mitt & Ann Romney!


Carrie said...

So awesome Debbie! You two look cute too! BUT...go fix the typo:) I'm sure he DIDN'T miss a beat;) Loves,

Brooke Holt said...

Aw!! I love Mitt and I love Pam Peterson!!!! That looked fun!